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What is GFRC concrete? Why you should be using GFRC for your concrete projects?

What is GFRC concrete? Why you should be using GFRC for your concrete projects?

What is GFRC concrete? If you aren’t yet familiar with glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), you should be. GFRC is a specialized form of concrete. It’s a cement-based composite material reinforced with alkali-resistant glass fibers.

The fibers serve a purpose similar to the reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete, and they also add flexural, tensile and impact strength. As a result, GFRC can be used to produce strong, lightweight architectural concrete products such as building panels.

It can also be used to create decorative concrete products such as facade wall panels, fireplace surrounds, vanity tops and concrete countertops due to its unique properties and tensile strength. Most concrete countertop professionals use GFRC as their technique of choice due to its versatility, strength and lighter weight.

One of the best ways to truly understand the benefits of GFRC is to take a deeper look into this unique compound.

What is GFRC concrete?

GFRC stands for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete. It is a composite comprised of Portland cement, fine aggregate, water, acrylic co-polymer, alkali resistant glass fiber reinforcement and additives. In many international markets, it is referred to as GRC – Glass fibre Reinforced Concrete. The glass fibers reinforce the concrete, much as steel reinforcing does in conventional concrete. The glass fiber reinforcement results in a product with much higher flexural and tensile strengths than normal concrete, allowing its use in thin-wall casting applications. GFRC is a lightweight, durable material that can be cast into nearly unlimited shapes, colors and textures. There are two basic processes used to fabricate GFRC – The Spray-Up process and Premix process.

It was first created in the 1940s in Russia, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that it became popular in the mainstream.

There are many benefits to using GFRC, including:

  • It can be used to construct lightweight panels as it can be made thinner and lighter than traditional concrete
  • It has a high tensile strength
  • It is more flexible than traditional concrete
  • It is resistant to cracking
  • It is extremely durable and can outlive steel-reinforced concrete
  • It requires very little maintenance
  • It is resistant to climate changes and fires
  • It is cost-effective

Let’s find out specifically with MILLI TILES about the benefits of GFRC concrete

Some Reasons to Love GFRC

It’s lighter than precast concrete.

Because GFRC can be made 1/2 the thickness of traditional precast, it is automatically 1/2 the weight. And, because GFRC does not use stone or as much sand, which are denser and sustained than cement, the weight savings is even greater. Although the relative density is similar to concrete, GFRC panels can be much thinner than traditional concrete panels, making them lighter.

Precast is typically made 1.5″ thick and weighs 18 pounds. 3/4″ thick GFRC weighs 8 pounds per square foot.

What is GFRC concrete? Is it really thin?

The effective minimum thickness for precast is 1.5″ because of the strength and the steel reinforcing required. GFRC is practical limit is only about 1/4″.

You can work fast with it.

Because GFRC has high early strength, in part provided by the fibers, it can be demo quickly. Most GFRC projects can be demo in 24 hours. In general, traditional precast projects should stay in the molds at least a couple of days. Faster turn around means you can do more projects and bring in more revenue.

There’s less likelihood of cracking compared to precast.

Because of GFRC’s strength and toughness, it can take a lot more abuse before it cracks. GFRC can even bend. The high dose of glass fibers leads to high tensile strength while the high polymer content makes the concrete flexible and resistant to cracking. Proper reinforcing using scrim will further increase the strength of objects and is critical in projects where visible cracks are not tolerable.

What is GFRC concrete? Complex 3-dimensional shapes are easy.

If you can build the mold for it, you can make it out of GFRC. Even shapes that seem difficult because of the spraying angle can be created by clever assembly of the mold.

What are the components of GFRC concrete?

To better understand what GFRC concrete is and what it can be used for, it can be helpful to find out what this type of concrete is made up of.


Portland cement is the most commonly used cement for making GFRC concrete. It is available in white and grey. Grey Portland cement should be avoided if you want to add colour as the dark grey pigment is hard to overcome. Overall, white cement is the better option, but it is more expensive than grey.

Silica sand

Silica sand, often referred to as industrial sand, is the perfect type of sand for GFRC concrete as it helps to prevent blockages and delivers less abrasion to the equipment. It is worth noting that this type of sand can be difficult to find, although your local masonry should have some in stock.

Do not use basic playground sand, as this will clog up your equipment.

AR glass fiber

AR (alkaline resistant) glass fiber has been used in GFRC concrete for decades due to its durability and alkaline-resistant which is a result of adding zirconia to the glass. These fibers are often used for countertops, fireplace surrounds, and other decorative applications.

AR glass fiber is available in chopped strands, in a ball of twine known as roving, and as scrim, which is a grid-like pattern that is sold on a roll.


When it comes to how much water to add to GFRC concrete, the less water you use, the stronger the concrete. Typically, spray-up GFRC has a low water-cement ratio. The water you use should be free from contaminants and as clean as possible.

Forton VF – 774

Forton VF-774 is an acrylic, co-polymer dispersion that has been specially formulated for GFRC concrete. It is also designed to be able to remain stable and durable when combined with the high PH levels of Portland cement.

Other benefits of this key component of GFRC concrete include easy spraying on vertical surfaces, UV stability, and the elimination of spider cracking and crazing.


A plasticiser is a chemical compound that enables the production of concrete with roughly 15% less water content. You can also find super-plasticisers that reduce the amount of water needed by up to 30%.

Plasticisers are also used to retard the curing of concrete.


Concrete pigment is a dry powder that is used to add colour to GFRC concrete. The more pigment you use, the more intense the colour. Typically, a 5% dosage is added. Pigments are available in a wide range of colours.

What is GFRC concrete? Why should GFRC mix designs?

The GFRC mix design basically refers to the ratio that the components are mixed at. There are two different GFRC mix designs that you can choose from:

What is GFRC premix concrete?

This is by far the most common GFRC mix design and is suitable for both small and medium-sized users. The premix process involves spraying through a hopper gun, with the back mix added by hand.

Premix is a much cheaper option than spray-up, although a special spray gun and pump are needed. However, fiber orientation is more random, and the fibers are shorter, which results in less strength.

What is GFRC spray – up concrete?

This GFRC mix design process is far less common and is mostly used by high-end producers who use large volume spray equipment. The spray-up process is typically used for very large architectural panels and provides a higher glass percentage.

On the plus side, spray-up allows for very high fiber loads using long fibers, which results in the greatest possible strength and durability. However, the specialised equipment needed is expensive, typically over $20,000.

Spray up GFRC

How to make GFRC concrete

The process of making GFRC concrete is simple but must be follow in the correct order to avoid a lumpy end product. You can make GFRC concrete in a standard concrete mixer but for optimum results, opt for a high shear mixer that has been specifically design to make GFRC concrete.

If you want to know how to make GFRC concrete or how to make GFRC panels, follow the below steps:

  • Weigh or batch all materials
  • Add all the liquids, including the Forton VF-774 and 2oz of plasticiser, to the mixer
  • Start the mixer on slow – 300-500 rpm
  • Add pigment if colour is desired
  • Add the silica sand
  • Add the Portland cement and increase the mixer speed to high – 1,000-1,800 rpm
  • Mix on high for 1-2 minutes
  • Add the remaining plasticizer to achieve the desired consistency
  • Reduce the mixer speed to slow and gradually add the Premix fiber until fully dispersed

Once you have added the fiber, you must not mix for too long or tattoo high a speed as this can damage the fiber, resulting in placement issues and/or reduced strength.

Casting, spraying & curing GFRC concrete


For casting GFRC concrete, pour the mixture into a single spot at the lowest point of the mould and allow the mixture to seek its level. After casting, consolidate the slurry and remove any entrapped air using either a hand vibrator or vibrating table.


Spraying can be use for both higher volume smaller parts and lower volume applications.

For higher volume – GFRC slurry can be sprayed into molds using rotor/stator or peristaltic pumps that are specifically designed for GFRC. Whichever spray pump you use, a face coat without fiber is typically applies first. Once this has stiffened, a fiber backup mix is applies in multiple passes, with compaction between each pass.

For lower volume – A hopper gun can be used to apply face mix, and then the GFRC backup mix is applied by hand.


After placement, you should cover GFRC concrete with a plastic tarp or sheet in to prevent moisture loss and to maintain the heat of hydration. Allow the concrete to cure in the mold for between 12-16 hours. Curing temperatures should be maintained above 50°F/10°C in order to ensure proper film-forming of the Forton VF-774.

What is GFRC concrete use for?

GFRC concrete is used in the below construction works:

  • Building renovations
  • Water and drainage works
  • Bridge and tunnel lining panels
  • Permanent formwork method of construction
  • Architectural cladding
  • Acoustic barriers and screens

It is most commonly used in exterior cladding. However, due to its strength, flexibility, and chemical properties, GFRC can be used for a wide range of applications.

As it can take the form of pretty much any shape or size, GFRC concrete can be found in architectural features such as moldings and landscapes. It can also be used for modular buildings, as well as walls, roofs, floors, and foundations.

In the engineering sector, GFRC is used to construct bridges, tunnels, and drainage.

It is also used as ornamental concrete to create items such as fountains, statues, domes, and planters.

Most recently, decorative concrete artisans have started to use GFRC concrete to create decorative panels such as fireplaces, countertops, and artificial rock work.


Glass fiber reinforced concrete is lighter, faster, and stronger than traditional precast concrete.

It can be use to create almost anything that traditional concrete can, and it has the added benefit of more aesthetic options for users.

Whether you opt for the spray-up option, which uses a liquid concrete mix that sprays glass fibers, or you go for a premix in which the liquid concrete is poured into molds, glass fiber reinforced concrete is suitable for a variety of different projects and guarantees a superior finish. 

Please contact us to answer any questions about Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete GFRC need advice.


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GFRC panels manufacture promotes aesthetics for today’s new architectural designs

GFRC panels manufacture promotes aesthetics for today’s new architectural designs

GFRC panels manufacture is a step forward for today’s new building materials manufacturing industry. As we all know, GFRC panels are durable, environmentally friendly products. It is a typical and impressive facade architectural design solution in recent years. So for more information about the pros and cons of this material, how? How is the production process? Cost and applications? Let’s refer to the entire article below with MILLI TILES!

What is GFRC?

GFRC stands for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete. It is a type of concrete that is reinforced with glass fibers rather than steel. GFRC was first developed in the 1940s but gained popularity in the 1970s as a building material due to its strength, durability, and versatility.

The composition of GFRC typically includes a mixture of cement, sand, water, and glass fibers. The glass fibers are added to the mix to improve the strength and durability of the concrete. Other additives such as plasticizers or pigments may also be added to the mix to improve its properties.

GFRC is known for its lightweight nature, making it easier to handle and install compared to traditional concrete. It also has excellent insulation properties, which can help reduce energy consumption in buildings. GFRC is highly resistant to damage from weather, fire, and other environmental factors, making it a popular choice for exterior cladding and architectural features.

Overall, GFRC is a popular building material due to its strength, durability, versatility, and lightweight nature. It is a sustainable and environmentally-friendly choice that offers several benefits over traditional concrete.

What are the advantages of using GFRC panels over other materials?

GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) panels offer several advantages over other materials, including:

Strength: GFRC panels are stronger than traditional concrete panels due to the addition of glass fibers. This makes them less prone to cracking and more resistant to impact and other types of damage.

Durability: GFRC panels are highly durable and can with stand exposure to harsh weather conditions, UV radiation, and other environmental factors. They are also resistant to corrosion and have a long service life.

Lightweight: GFRC panels are lightweight compared to other cladding materials such as stone or brick. This makes them easier to handle and install, and can also reduce the load on the building structure.

Versatility: GFRC panels can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes, making them highly versatile. They can also be finished to mimic other materials such as stone, wood, or metal.

Sustainability: GFRC panels are made from natural materials and are highly energy-efficient. They also have a low carbon footprint compared to other building materials.

Cost-effective: GFRC panels are often more cost-effective than other materials such as stone or metal. They have a lower installation cost, require less maintenance, and have a longer service life.

Overall, GFRC panels offer a range of advantages over other materials due to their strength, durability, versatility, and sustainability. They are a popular choice for architects and builders looking for a high-performance, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly building material.

Methods of GFRC panels manufacture

There are several methods of GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) panel manufacture, including:

GFRC panels manufacture by spray-up method

This is the most common method of GFRC panel manufacture. In this method, the GFRC mixture is sprayed onto a mold using a spray gun. The fibers are added to the spray gun and mixed with the GFRC mixture as it is sprayed onto the mold. This method is suitable for large-scale production and allows for the creation of complex shapes and designs.

Spray up GFRC

Premix method

In this method, the fibers are first mixed with the dry ingredients, then water and other additives are added to create a slurry. The slurry is then poured into the mold and compacted using a vibrating table. This method is suitable for small-scale production and allows for precise control over the mix.

Hybrid method

This method combines the spray-up and premix methods. In this method, the fibers are first mixed with the dry ingredients, then the slurry is sprayed onto the mold using a spray gun. This method allows for the benefits of both the spray-up and premix methods and is suitable for medium-scale production.

Vacuum bagging method

In this method, the GFRC mixture is poured into a vacuum bag and sealed. The bag is then placed in a vacuum chamber, which removes the air from the bag and compacts the mixture. This method is suitable for producing thin, lightweight panels and is often used for architectural features.

Extrusion method

In this method, the GFRC mixture is extruded through a machine to create panels of a specific size and shape. This method is suitable for mass production and is often used for producing panels for commercial and industrial buildings.

The choice of method will depend on the specific requirements of the project, including the size, shape, and quantity of panels required. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to choose the most appropriate method for the specific application.

What is GFRC panels manufacture? Production process?

GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) panels manufacture is the process of creating panels made of a mixture of cement, sand, water, and glass fibers. The mixture is sprayed onto a mold and allowed to cure, creating a strong, durable, and lightweight panel.

The manufacturing process typically involves the following steps:

Design: The first step in the GFRC panel manufacture process is to create a design for the panel. This can be done using computer-aided design (CAD) software or by hand.

Mold Making: Once the design is completed, a mold must be created. The mold is typically made from silicone, polyurethane, or fiberglass and is used to shape the GFRC mixture.

Mixing the GFRC: The GFRC mixture is made by mixing cement, sand, water, and glass fibers together. Other additives such as plasticizers or pigments may also be added to the mix.

Spraying the Mixture: The GFRC mixture is sprayed onto the mold using a spray gun or a specialized machine. The thickness of the panel is controlled by the number of layers applied.

Curing: After spraying, the GFRC panel is left to cure. This can take several days depending on the thickness of the panel and the weather conditions.

Demolding: Once the panel is fully cured, it can be removed from the mold. The mold can be reused to create more panels.

Finishing: The GFRC panel can be finished in a variety of ways such as sand blasting, acid etching, or polishing.

Quality Control: The GFRC panel is inspected for defects such as cracks or air pockets. Any defects are repaired before the panel is shipped to the customer.

GFRC panel manufacture requires specialized equipment and experienced personnel. It is important to follow all safety procedures when handling GFRC mixtures and to ensure that the panels are properly cured before they are used.

What are the environmental benefits of using GFRC panels?

GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) panels offer several environmental benefits over other materials, including:

Reduced carbon footprint: GFRC panels have a lower carbon footprint compared to other building materials such as steel or aluminum. The production process for GFRC panels requires less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases.

Sustainable materials: GFRC panels are made from natural materials such as cement, sand, and glass fibers. These materials are abundant and readily available, making GFRC panels a sustainable choice.

Energy efficiency: GFRC panels have excellent insulation properties, which can help reduce energy consumption in buildings. This can lead to lower heating and cooling costs and a reduced carbon footprint.

Durability: GFRC panels have a long service life and require minimal maintenance, reducing the need for replacements or repairs. This can help reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of building materials.

Recyclable: At the end of their service life, GFRC panels can be recycled and used in the production of new materials. This can help reduce waste and conserve natural resources.

GFRC panels offer several environmental benefits over other building materials. They are a sustainable, energy-efficient, and durable choice that can help reduce the environmental impact of buildings and construction projects.

Application of the GFRC panels manufacture

The manufacture of GFRC panels offers very large applications. They are used in a variety of applications in the construction industry, including:

Exterior Cladding: GFRC panels are commonly used as an exterior cladding material for buildings. They can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes and can be finished to mimic other materials such as stone, wood, or metal.

Architectural Features: GFRC panels can be used to create a variety of architectural features such as cornices, balustrades, and columns.

Signage: GFRC panels can be used to create large-scale signage for buildings or outdoor areas. They can be painted or finished with vinyl graphics to convey branding or messaging.

Furniture: GFRC panels can be used to create furniture such as benches, tables, and planters. They can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes and finished to match the surrounding environment.

Art Installations: GFRC panels can be used to create large-scale art installations such as sculptures or murals. They can be painted or finished to create a variety of textures and colors.

Landscape Features: GFRC panels can be used to create landscape features such as retaining

Overall, GFRC panels offer a durable and versatile solution for a wide range of construction applications. They are lightweight, strong, and can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes, making them a popular choice for architects and builders.

How does the cost of GFRC panels compare to other construction materials?

The GFRC panels are competitive with other construction materials in terms of cost.

Comparedprecast concrete, GFRC panels can be more cost-effective due to their lightweight nature, which reduces shipping and handling costs. Additionally, GFRC panels can be molded into a wide range of shapes and sizes, which can reduce the need for additional fabrication or customization.

In terms of installation costs, GFRC panels are often more affordable than heavier materials such as stone or brick, as they require less labor and equipment to install. GFRC panels can also be installed faster than traditional building materials, which can further reduce installation costs.

While the initial cost of GFRC panels may be slightly higher than some other materials such as vinyl or wood, the long-term benefits of GFRC, including its durability and low maintenance requirements, can make it a more cost-effective choice over the lifetime of the building.


The birth of GFRC panels manufacture is extremely reasonable. There are now many builders and architects who are aware of the properties of GFRC and use this concrete mix in their structures. If you need strong and lightweight concrete, precast GFRC could be the ideal material for your project. You can contact MILLI TILES to learn about different GFRC products and at the same time we also accept GFRC construction for projects. Please contact us today for advice on GFRC products!


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Instructions for construction of wind cement bricks, you can read and download below:


Contact: Zalo: 0939 102 568

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Gmail: vlxdmilli@gmail.com

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Facade GFRC – Application of GFRC concrete facades in modern construction architecture

Facade GFRC – Application of GFRC concrete facades in modern construction architecture

Facade GFRC – glass fiber concrete is a modern new construction material. This is a product manufacture by injection molding and injection technique from a mixture of fine aggregates: cement, clean sand, clean water, alkali resistant fiberglass and plasticizers. Because it is molded, the GFRC facade is a finished product. Diverse in designs and colors, uniform to every little detail. The advantage of GFRC glass fiber concrete facade is thin and light. It is possible to create large facade panels, helping to reduce the load on buildings. GFRC facade has been treated with waterproofing and surface acid washing during production, so it doesn’t need too much maintenance and is absolutely waterproof. It is often applies to decorate the facades of modern and different beautiful buildings.

What is facade GFRC?

Facade is the front part of a building. Facades are always carefully design and built, because they represent the unique architectural style of each project.

Today, architects and investors have more diverse options in the design and construction of facades for buildings. There are some types of traditional facades such as reinforced concrete or aluminum glass or Alu… or more modern facades GFRC.

Facade GFRC is a new construction material appearing and popularly used in recent years. These are products manufacture by injection molding or by injection from a fine aggregate mixture of clean sand, clean water, alkali resistant glass fibers and plasticizers. Facade GFRC is evaluate to have high strength, great bearing capacity, along with very good bending and tensile strength, compact weight and can be molded into large slabs. They are commonly use in modern high-rise buildings, commercial centers, Spas and residential buildings today.

Any product when produced and used on the market. In addition to the advantages that it brings to the user, there are still certain disadvantages and limitations. So is the facade GFRC. It has the advantage of being thin and light, with a variety of designs. Bringing to the construction works modern and luxurious beauty, there are still some disadvantages of its own. What are the pros and cons of this product? We also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of GFRC facades, so that we can make the best choice when building buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages of facade GFRC


GFRC facade has high durability

These are finished molded products, which have been treated with waterproofing, acid washing, and surface treatment before installation, so they have very high durability. During use, they have good fire resistance, absolute waterproof. In addition, GFRC facade is less affected by weather, retains its original color and minimizes maintenance costs. Their application helps the building to keep its beauty over time.

Has great bearing strength

Manufactured from a mixture of fine aggregate concrete, clean sand, clean water, alkali resistant fiberglass and plasticizers. This mixture helps the product to have higher flexural and tensile strength than normal concrete. The facade GFRC has an average compressive strength of about 70 MPa. The bending strength is about 20-30 MPa, so it is able to with stand large forces with very thin thickness. Therefore, it is widely use for facades of buildings, replacing traditional facades such as aluminum and glass, alu, brick wall…

Highly artistic

GFRC facades are shaped by injection molding or by machine injection from a pre-mixed mortar mixture, so it is easy to create products with diverse designs. Depending on the architecture of each building, it will create different types of facades with different beautiful designs, diverse natural colors, and can create complex shapes such as: curved, folded, wavy… The facade GFRC application brings unique and impressive features to the facade of each building.

Thinner, lighter than concrete

With the advantage of being thin, light, capable of laminating (from 10-25mm) without causing cracks, cracks, peeling on the surface. When applied at the facades of buildings, GFRC helps to reduce the volume of impact on the work load, creating a gentle elegance for the facades of buildings.

GFRC facade is environmentally friendly

GFRC is an sunburnt material with most of its ingredients originating in Vietnam (except glass fiber and some other additives). Meet the requirements of green standards for the project. GFRC facades can replace products made from asbestos fibers and are completely non-toxic to the environment.

Respond to fast construction requirements

GFRC is cast with an existing mold, creating finished products so the erection process is quick, ensuring the construction schedule for each project. The application of GFRC facade helps reduce costs for investors and construction contractors when implementing projects.


  • Facade GFRC price is higher than other types of facade. Depending on the structure and architectural design of each specific project to manufacture and install suitable facade GFRC.
  • The construction of this facade is done mostly from the outside of the building. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare lifting equipment, vertical transportation system for employees to work.
  • Thus, through this article, you have clearly understood the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Therefore, when conducting construction works, you will have the choice of the most suitable building materials.

As we all know GFRC is a new building material commonly used in architectural facades of buildings. GFRC facade has the advantages of light and thin, diverse in designs and surface finishes with beautiful and luxurious colors. They are appreciated by architects and engineers all over the world for the use they bring to buildings. So what is the use of facade GFRC? Let’s learn about the use of facade GFRC.

Uses of facade GFRC

The use of GFRC facade is to create a luxurious highlight for modern constructions, meeting the creative design needs of architects.

This product is manufactured by injection molding or injection molding, so it is easy to create a variety of beautiful designs. Even curved, wavy, and folded surfaces… GFRC facades are diverse in color and have different architectural details to help create beautiful accents for the works.
High-strength products allow the design of thin and light facade panels, helping to reduce building loads.

It can replace precast concrete – a type of concrete that often has problems with weight and shape. Or substitute for aluminum, glass, alu… which is easily affect by weather and strong impacts.

As a new construction material commonly used in the decorative cladding of the exterior of large, modern and luxurious architectures. Besides, its use also helps to decorate houses and other constructions today.

Thus, they have had great use in the construction of the exterior of the works, meeting the increasing requirements of the construction industry in the world in general and in Vietnam in particular.

When learning about any product, the important thing that we focus on is the price and quality of the product. With GFRC products in general and facade GFRC products in particular, you are completely assured of quality and price. Because GFRC is manufacturing using modern techniques, creating the best products for the construction industry today. So how much is the facade GFRC price?

Facade GFRC price

Facade GFRC offers solutions for flexibility and durability. Replace natural stone products with large facade panels. Their prices depend on the design, production and complete erection at the site. Manufacturers of high-quality GFRC face little risk. Because they always provide truly innovative construction solutions for big projects. Thus, the facade GFRC price will be suitable for projects like this.

Compare GFRC facade prices and other types of facades

Traditional facades such as aluminum, glass, alu… are usually valid for a certain period of time, maybe 10 years, 15 years. They can be easily faded, old, broken or rusted due to the effects of the weather, costing to maintain, maintain or replace… The GFRC facade price with the initial cost will be higher. But their durability is superior to other traditional facades. GFRC is not affect by weather, does not stick to dirt, keeps its luxurious beauty forever. Using GFRC facades will not cost you for maintenance or replacement. The investor only needs to spend 1 time initially for the erection of GFRC facades, and then the building will be durable over time.

Facade GFRC manufacturing techniques

Mold making method

After having design drawings of GFRC facades for specific works. Depending on the shape, surface, and technical requirements of each product, we will make molds. And usually there are specific mold forms as follows:

Positive mold: Positive molds are made in a variety of ways and with a variety of material compositions. It is possible to use a real product, create positives by the method of wood jigsaw, or cast clay, plaster, CNC cut on wood, foam, plastic materials …

Negative mold: Negative mold usually has 3 types as follows:

  • Wood molds are suitable for simple shapes such as flat, solid, can also be use for curved blocks. Wood molds use a low mold rotation coefficient of about 7 times, and they need to be replace with a new mold. Therefore, in order to save economic costs, it is more reasonable to use wooden molds for a small number of panels, with a small surface.
  • GRP molds (plastic molds) are suitable for complex flat, block, curved, and curved shapes. Plastic mold has a rotation coefficient 500 times higher than that of wood mold, so it is more economical to use and is suitable for products with a large number of panels, helping to bring higher economic efficiency.
  • Silicone molds (rubber molds) are suitable for products with complex shapes, curved, folded, wavy surfaces, elaborate pattern details, to easily separate the mold after GFRC injection. Silicone molds are very durable.


MILLI TILES is a leading unit in the field of new construction materials – GFRC fiberglass concrete. We with the motto of creative, dynamic and effective working of a team of professional, experienced staff. Will bring customers and partners satisfaction and trust through each service and product. Contact us today if you have any questions or need advice on facades GFRC for your project. MILLI TILES will work with you to create a beautiful and impressive architectural space.


📱 Hotline: 0939 102 568 📞

We will quote a specific % discount for you depending on the quantity or total value of the order

Contact us to order today, to get the best price support.

Instructions for construction of wind cement bricks, you can read and download below:


Contact: Zalo: 0939 102 568

Fanpage:  https://www.facebook.com/gachbonggio.hcm/

Gmail: vlxdmilli@gmail.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ePtN2lIBwSp13ADgW7LSA

GFRC cladding decorates impressive and novel building facades

GFRC cladding decorates impressive and novel building facades

GFRC Cladding has become more and more popular choice as an architectural finish material. People consider Glass reinforced concrete cladding as a relatively new type of construction material. Although, the construction industry has been using it for over 50 years it’s only getting more attention in the 21st century. GFRC cladding is very versatile and that is why it’s gaining popularity among architects and specifiers. Due to its high elastic properties designers use GFRC cladding in solutions where resistance to live loads is necessary.

GFRC cladding systems require high quality standards in manufacture and meticulous record keeping. If you use glass fibre reinforced concrete cladding or panels in your projects. It is important to employ subcontractor or installation crew with GFRC cladding experience.
Follow the article below of MILLI TILES for more detailed information about this material!

What is GFRC?

GFRC materials are known in the modern construction industry by many different names: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC), Verre Cement Mixture (CCV), Fiber Reinforced Concrete. This is a new construction material, produced by injection molding and machine injection from a mixture of fine aggregates: cement, clean sand, clean water, alkali resistant fiberglass and plasticizers. GFRC materials have high durability, diverse shapes, beautiful designs, natural colors… have become materials that play an important role in the economy. Technology and aesthetics of the construction industry worldwide. GFRC is applied in construction works in details such as: GFRC facades, GFRC moldings, GFRC column tops and garden and art decoration products.
The fibers serve a purpose similar to the reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete, which is placed primarily in tensile stress areas. Because the glass fibers add flexural, tensile and impact strength, Architectural panels made from GFRC are strong, durable, and lightweight.
GFRC cladding are finding wide spread use in the restoration and renovation of historic buildings. And are considered by many to be the best solution available for the repair and replacement of terra cotta tiles that are deteriorating under the influence of time and weather.

Where are GFRC Cladding used?

GFRC cladding are widely use as the exterior facade material in the construction or renovation of many types of commercial and institutional buildings. They are available as wall units, window wall units, spandrel, mullion, and column covers. As well as for fascia panels, soffit, para pets, sunscreens, mansard roofs, and interior feature panels.

Each cladding is custom design for the specific application, and their largest dimension can be either vertical or horizontal. Panels 400 square feet and larger are possible, reducing production, shipping, and installation cost.

GFRC cladding is widely used today for both new building construction and for renovations of existing building facades. In renovations applications. GFRC cladding can often be installed directly over the old cladding with minimal superimposed load on the existing structure, and minimal upset to existing tenants and operations.

GFRC cladding is a new building material, which has more advantages than previous traditional building materials. Using GFRC materials brings practical benefits to investors and construction contractors when building works. So what are the advantages of GFRC material? Let’s learn the advantages of GFRC materials through the following article:

Advantages and Disadvantages of GFRC cladding

Light load

GFRC material is 75% lighter than traditional concrete, which reduces the load on the building, reduces transportation costs and is easy to install.

GFRC cladding have high bearing strength

Compressive strength: 50-80 MPa, Bending strength 20-30MPa as well as having a high strength-to-weight ratio. The GFRC components used to construct lightweight panels are non-flammable minerals. In addition, the face coat of concrete protects against fire and acts as a temperature regulator.

Create a variety of shapes

GFRC molded or injection molded easily creates products with diverse shapes, including complex designs such as: folded, bent, wavy. GRC is suitable for complex architectural styles that require high sharpness and meticulous decoration.

GFRC cladding good durability

GFRC does not have surface cracks, even large products, is waterproof, and is not affected by the impact of the environment. This strength is increasingly being applied effectively thanks to the use of low alkaline cement and puzolan admixture.

GFRC panels facade

Beautiful natural colors

GFRC cladding has a beautiful natural color due to the use of natural sand and the spraying process makes the surface layer without air holes or any voids.

High adaptability

GFRC is highly adaptable, suitable for all architectural styles. GFRC products are widely used in facade decoration, architectural details, interior decoration to garden landscape decoration.

Sustainable, eco-friendly

GFRC uses less cement than conventional concrete and significantly recycled materials are use, so GFRC is very sustainable and environmentally friendly. Due to the fiber coating of GFRC, the alkali-resistant fibers act as extra protection. The resulting panels resist rain, moisture, alkali attack, corrosion, or other environmental issues.

The mechanical properties of GFRC cladding make it ideal for various requirements. However, one potential disadvantage for some users is the cost of GFRC. GFRC cladding can be expensive to use when compared to ordinary concrete. Of course, the added cost comes with additional strength and several other benefits, already mentioned in previous sections.

The Basic Uses of GFRC cladding

There are many applications and projects where glass fiber-reinforced concrete is the ideal choice. Some of these applications are:

Facade GFRC: Facade decorative GFRC cladding have good fire resistance and absolute waterproofing. In addition, GRC façade is less affected by weather, retains its original color and minimizes maintenance costs. Application of GRC facade helps the building keep its beauty over time.

Concrete Countertops: GFRC countertops are becoming more and more common today due to their high aesthetic appeal and crack resistance. Color pigments can make countertops match the required color.

Wall cladding: GFRC wall cladding provides a beautiful look while reducing the overall weight. These panels are long-lasting as well as decorative for home and office interiors.

Concrete Dining Tables: Nowadays, it is common to see concrete dining tables in restaurants and houses. The concrete for these dining tables is GFRC due to its lightweight nature and high sheen. In many cases, integrated countertops and dining tables create a beautiful kitchen island design.

Outdoor Furniture: GFRC is resistant to adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, GFRC furniture, such as tables, benches, and chairs, is an excellent choice for outdoor places like parks.

How are GFRC cladding manufactured?

Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) is made by using the following materials:

  • Fine Sand: The fine sand should be 0.4 mm to 0.5 mm, and the accepted range is 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm. Finer particles decrease the flowability of concrete, and coarser particles can be deflect after striking the surface during spraying.
  • Cement: Ordinary Portland cement is acceptable for making glass fiber-reinforced concrete. The weight of cement is usually equal to the weight of the sand used.
  • Polymer: There are many types of polymer and concrete matrix mixtures, such as Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), and Acrylic polymer. Acrylic polymer is the preferred choice for glass fiber-reinforced concrete. The weight ratio of polymer to concrete is usually 6 grams of solid polymer per 100 grams of the cementitious mixture.
  • Water: The water content in the concrete mix is critical, as too much water can ruin the mixture. It is essential to consider the water content of the polymer mixture to determine the overall water content. The ratio of total water to concrete should fall between 0.30 to 0.35.
  • Admixtures: Manufacturers produce various admixtures to use in GFRC. Common admixtures are silica fumes and superplasticizer.
  • Glass Fibers: The addition of chopped-up alkali-resistant (AR) glass fibers is the defining factor of glass fiber-reinforced concrete. The amount of glass fiber will vary based on the type of manufacturing method used, as discussed below.
  • Sand, cement, polymers, water, and admixtures are also common in other types of reinforced concrete. GFRC is unique in terms of materials because of the addition of glass fibers.

There are three manufacturing methods for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Cladding:

Spray – up GFRC

Spray-up GFRC is the conventional way to create precast concrete panels. In this method, the Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete is spray into a mold by hand.

A concentric chopper spray gun is use to spray long glass fibers into the concrete mix. The mixing occurs in the gun’s nozzle.

On average, this method contains a glass fiber content of about 5%, a higher fiber content than the usual concrete premix. This method requires skilled labor to be successful, and good quality equipment and quality checks of the work in progress.

Spray up GFRC

Vibration Casting

The defining factor of vibration casting is the use of premix concrete. The premix concrete mixture is poured into a mold. Then the mold is vibrated so that the concrete achieves consolidation.

This method is simpler and cheaper than sprayed GFRC. However, the molds in this method should be water tight. Vibration casting should not be use with rock molds.

Hybrid Casting

Hybrid casting is the combination of spray-up and the use of a premix. A specialized spray head using a peristaltic pump is used to spray the concrete.

Hybrid casting introduces the benefits of spray-up GFRC and vibration casting. While sprayed GFRC requires highly skilled labor, hybrid casting is possible with moderate skill.

Due to using a spray instead of vibrations for the premix, the strength of the resultant concrete panel is higher than the vibration casting methods.

Why should use GFRC cladding instead of precast concrete panels?

Weighing up to 80% less than architectural precast. GFRC cladding materially reduces the weight and cost of the foundation, footings, and structural framing needed to support multi-story buildings. This enables the owner to reduce overall construction costs and accelerate schedules without sacrificing the durability or the architectural aesthetic of precast concrete fabrication.

GFRC cladding does not crack due to the process used for making GFRC. Instead of directly pouring a fluid concrete mixture into a mold. GFRC is spray into the mold by special sprayers. Spraying makes the GFRC more adhesive and resistant to cracking in the short or long term.

How much does GFRC cladding cost?

The cost of GFRC depends on many factors, such as:

  • Whether you want GFRC precast or GFRC premix. Precast GFRC comes in a ready-to-install form matched to your required shape. In the case of GFRC premix, you will need to hire an expert who can use it correctly. Correct proportions and casting methods are crucial, and the tiniest oversight may ruin the final result.
  • The GFRC manufacturing method. Hybrid, sprayed, or vibration casting? Hybrid is the go-to choice for most people since it offers a good balance between price and strength.
  • The thickness and area of the GFRC panels.

The cost of GFRC cladding generally comes as a price per square foot for a given thickness of GFRC. For an accurate idea about how much GFRC will cost youper square foot. The Installation cost of GFRC panels will vary based on the average panel size, accessibility to building connection points, building site location and availability and type of cranes required.

MILLI TILES – Don’t let obstacles stop you from creating creative masterpieces

Milli Tiles – The unit that supplies and constructs GFRC cladding for projects. . If you need strong and lightweight concrete, precast GFRC cladding could be the ideal material for your project. You can contact MILLI TILES to learn about different GFRC products and at the same time we also accept GFRC construction for projects. Please contact us today for advice on GFRC cladding products!


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GFRC moulds – Optimal manufacturing method of GFRC materials

GFRC moulds – Optimal manufacturing method of GFRC materials

GFRC moulds is key to advancing towards a fully automated and digital process for complex geometry GFRC. Existing mould systems are not sufficiently flexible to meet the demands of today’s requirements. Therefore a new method to produce the mould must be developed

Concrete is used in a wide range of applications. Most construction projects utilize concrete, from the walls and roofs of buildings to thick dams to mind-blowing skyscrapers.

Due to the variety of applications, many different forms of concrete have developed. These concrete forms differ vastly in terms of their physical properties, appearance, usability, benefits, and many other factors.

One of the most popular forms of concrete is Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC). It is a significant improvement over traditional concrete and has been steadily replacing it in countless cases. In order to make products easier and faster to produce, the GFRC moulds with different sizes and designs were born. Aim to best meet the production process.

What is Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete?

GFRC stands for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete. This type of fiber-reinforced concrete contains glass fibers. The concrete matrix binds to these glass fibers, and the addition of glass fibers leads to improved reinforcing and mechanical properties of the concrete and higher tensile strength.

GFRC weigh less than traditional concrete panels but are stronger; hence, their popularity when additional reinforcement is necessary. Therefore, using a thinner GFRC panel instead of a bulkier panel with steel reinforcing bars leads to a saving in space.

Development of a new GFRC moulds system

Generating the GFRC mould is key to advancing towards a fully automated and digital process for complex geometry GFRC. Existing mould systems are not sufficiently flexible to meet the demands of today’s requirements. Therefore a new method to produce the mould must be developed. The method described in Henriksen, Lo, & Knack, (Citation press) only addresses the mould systems using premixed thin-walled GFRC. Therefore a variation has been developement that allows the production of complex geometry thin-walled GFRC using the sprayed method while simultaneously allowing an edge-return.

GFRC panels facade

Advantages of manufacturing GFRC materials by moulds

The production of the new GFRC mould is the first stage of the production process for complex geometry GFRC. This method will enable unique complex geometry-shaped foam to be cast with the possibility of an edge-return that can be used as moulds for GFRC panels. The method enables a faster mould production method for GFRC than the current CNC milling solution and enables the re-use of the flexible table to produce many foam moulds.

While the foam mould replicates the surface generated on the flexible table, it does not allow for an edge-return if a GFRC panel was cast directly onto it. In principle it would be possible to use a silicone band to mark the boundary of the panel but when the fibre concrete mix is spray this would only allow for a panel with a constant thickness and not permit an edge-return that protrudes from the back surface of the GFRC panel.

The new GFRC moulds system allows the concrete to cure for 28 days on a more cost-effective foam mould, rather than leaving it on the flexible table to cure. This leaves the flexible table free to be used to produce further moulds rather than remaining unused during the 28-day curing process.

The process for producing the new GFRC moulds has been patent and contributes significantly to the development of a novel fully automated and digital design and manufacturing process for complex geometry thin-walled GFRC. This would allow the production of panels at a lower cost combined with increased production speed and higher finished surface quality.

Disadvantage of GFRC moulds

The limitation of the GFRC moulds is that it is restricted to the size of the flexible table and that the edge-return must be project from the surface. The next steps will be to test the mould with the GFRC cast on the mould. Additional research must to be done to development the mold system to allow for edge-returns that are normal to the surface. And potentially edge-returns with variable angles to the surface.

Classification of GFRC moulds

Typical formwork in GRC production is usually made from plaster, clay, silicon, plastic, foam or wood. These are the components used to create molds when producing GRC materials. Depending on each products requirements, we have different GRC production molds. The following are commonly used GRC production molds:

  • Wood moulds pattern: usually used for products with few details or that do not require sharp details such as flat wall panels or panels with few decorative details.
  • Silicone moulds: often used for products with many intricate and sharp decorative details. To create a silicone mold, we first put the ingredients into the mold, then use a spacer to fix the mixture, and then add silicone or rubber. Often silicone formwork is used to produce reliefs or statues.
  • Moulds manufactured by CNC cutting technology: made from foam or wood or cut from silicone or rubber. Using CNC cutters, this formwork can produce extremely precise flat panels.

GFRC production moulds help save costs because they produce finished architectural products right from the first time. The products GRC creates are very diverse but uniform to every little detail. In addition, for works that need repair, we can rely on damaged parts to produce suitable formwork. Moreover, the formwork can be reused for subsequent projects, or to be reassembled for a larger architectural product.

How do GFRC manufacturers make GFRC materials?

There are three manufacturing methods for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete:

Spray-up GFRC

  • Spray-up GFRC is the conventional way to create precast concrete panels. In this method, the Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete is spray into a mold by hand.
  • A concentric chopper spray gun is uses to spray long glass fibers into the concrete mix. The mixing occurs in the gun’s nozzle.
  • On average, this method contains a glass fiber content of about 5%. A higher fiber content than the usual concrete premix. This method requires skilled labor to be successful, and good quality equipment and quality checks of the work in progress.

Pros: Allows for very high fiber loads using long fibers resulting in greatest possible strength.
Cons: Requires expensive, specialized equipment (generally $20,000 or more).

Vibration Casting

  • The defining factor of vibration casting is the use of premix concrete. The premix concrete mixture is pours into a mold. Then the mold is vibrate so that the concrete achieves consolidation.
  • This method is simpler and cheaper than sprayed GFRC. However, the molds in this method should be watertight. Vibration casting should not be uses with rock molds.

Pros: Less expensive than spray-up, although a special spray gun and pump is require.
Cons: Fiber orientation is more random than when using spray-up and fibers are shorter resulting in less strength.

Hybrid Casting

  • Hybrid casting is the combination of spray-up and the use of a premix. A specialized spray head using a peristaltic pump is use to spray the concrete.
  • Hybrid casting introduces the benefits of spray-up GFRC and vibration casting. While sprayed GFRC requires highly skilled labor, hybrid casting is possible with moderate skill.
  • Due to using a spray instead of vibrations for the premix. The strength of the resultant concrete panel is higher than the vibration casting methods.

Pros: Affordable way to get start. A hopper and air compressor run about 400$ – 500$. Much less than the spray guns used for spray-up or premix.
Cons: Since the face coat and backer mix are applies at different times careful attention is need to ensure the mixes have a similar makeup to prevent curling.

Why should GFRC materials be manufacture using GFRC moulds?

  • GFRC moulds can be use which reduces cost and fabrication time compared to previous production
  • A face coat without fibers can be spray to avoid visible fibres in the surface of the panels.
  • Secondary support structure can be integrated in panel to reduce the GFRC material.
  • The fiber orientation of the GFRC can be control using the sprayed method.
  • The thickness of the panel can easily be varied dependent on requirements and local reinforcements.
  • Support anchors can be sprayed into the panel and reinforced locally.
  • The GFRC panel can be reinforce locally, adding sprayed fibers perpendicular to the tension stress in the material.


The birth of GFRC moulds manufacturers is extremely reasonable. There are now many builders and architects who are aware of the properties of GFRC and use this concrete mix in their structures. If you need strong and lightweight concrete. Precast GFRC could be the ideal material for your project. You can contact MILLI TILES to learn about different GFRC products and at the same time we also accept GFRC construction for projects. Please contact us today for advice on GFRC products!


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Instructions for construction of wind cement bricks, you can read and download below:


Contact: Zalo: 0939 102 568

Fanpage:  https://www.facebook.com/gachbonggio.hcm/

Gmail: vlxdmilli@gmail.com

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